I Am Using Angular 8 Along With Webdatarocks, How To Call POST method REST API With Basic Auth
Hi webdatarocks Team,
I Am Using Angular 8 Along With Webdatarocks, How To Call REST API + POST method With Basic Auth,
As i tried to read the API data with POST method but it’s not working with Webdatarocks , if any solution is there please help me.
1 answer
Hello, Rajeev,
Thank you for contacting us.
We would like to kindly recommend trying to load the JSON data separately from WebDataRocks using any possible approach provided by Angular. Such data can be passed to WebDataRocks as inline JSON using the following construction of the dataSource
report: {
dataSource: {
data: source
where the “source” would be a variable containing JSON data or the function returning it.
We hope it helps.
Kind regards,
WebDataRocks Team