Failed to integrate the import file with the Google chart
Hi, webdatarocks team!
I failed to request this js file during the integration with the Google diagram. The file path is as follows:
Can you provide a valid request address?
5 answers
Thank you for your question.
It seems there is a copy-paste problem because the specified URL leads to the nonexistent page because of additional symbols after the actual address:
However the problem will resolve in case extra symbols (%C2%A0) are removed.
We hope it helps.
WebDataRocks Team
I introduced the script tag in index.html without any extra characters.
And I access the address after removing (%C2%A0) in the browser:
It can’t load the content
Our team would like to kindly suggest creating the HTML page where the component will be placed, using the snippet from the following link:
WebDataRocks Team
Thank you very much for your answer. The problem has been solved.
However, I have another problem that I would like to ask you to help. It is normal for me to introduce the file with the following address into the HTML page, but after downloading it to the local place, an error will be reported when I introduce it into the HTML page.
The attached file is a screenshot of the error
Thanks again for your help
Thank you for your feedback.
Our team would like to kindly recommend following the tutorial presented in our documentation in order to integrate WebDataRocks with third-party charting libraries.
WebDataRocks Team